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Your Power



A dive into the contracts which were made before you were born. Astrology and Numerology integration; in depth overview of where your soul migrated from and how in this life it is striving to reach fullest potential.  


This reading will highlight your talents, self sabotaging habits, repeated patterns and the energies which must transform and balance in this lifetime. 

Interpretation of your birth chart and the vibrations of your given name. Your unique story and mission on earth.


Highlights on where you are today and where you are being lead to and how to maximize potential using the soul contracts. 

Life is an individualized Master Plan. Find out yours in a 2 hour personal mastery reading. 



How do you want to be heard?



If you pondering a major life change or feeling confused, curious or challenged with current life events and would like an immediate guidance from the stars, this is the reading for you! 

Everything in life has a purpose, timing, a reason. This reading will look into unfolding events, past and future highlights.


It will shed light on opportunities and reasons you are challenged and what is the bigger plan for you using the wisdom of your birth chart.  




Extensive and in depth Numerology overview. Created to guide and direct in accordance to the soul contract.

An overview of the energetic vibrations throughout life and how to evolve into your utmost potential.

It will answer:

-What is your destined path.

-How are you evolving.

-What are your talents, passions, challenges, weaknesses and strengths.

-Your vibrations throughout life and the events they may bring.

-A clarifying breakdown of the recent years, the coming years and your power now. 




I am an intuitive card reader and offers card readings as an add on for extra guidance or as a reading by itself.

Please message me with a question.

Suggested questions:

-Life purpose, gifts and challenges.

-Love related questions.

-Past life, impending past energy, healing. 

-General messages, past, present and future.


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